5 Surprising Reasons Why Poor Sleep Is Wrecking Havoc On Your Health, Hormones + Managing Weight (+ How To Fix It)
If you've ever gone too bed too late, woke up too early or have had a few nights of disjointed sleep, you know that a lack of sleep makes you more irritable, crave carbs and feel generally blah. The more we learn about sleep, the more we understand the importance of it for overall health, hormones and weight control.
One key question I ask every patient is 'Do you have refreshing sleep?'. If you don't wake up feeling refreshed in the morning, we need to work on improving your sleep.
1// Even If You're Watching What You Eat, Poor Sleep Could Be Causing You To Lose Less Weight
Short sleep duration is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity and a higher BMI.
One study found that getting only 6½ hours per night increases cortisol, appetite, and weight gain.
Another study looked at two groups who ate the exact same amount of calories. They found that those who that those who were sleep deprived lost 55% less weight than those who slept well
2// Poor Sleep is Wrecking Havoc on Your Hormones and Food Cravings
Many studies have shown that poor sleep has an affect on appetite, usually due to its impact on the hormones that control it:
Lack of sleep raises levels of Ghrelin, our appetite stimulating hormone, which can increases cravings for sweet and salty and causes you to eat more calories
It also decreases the release of Leptin, our appetite surpassing hormone responsible for feeling full and satisfied after eating, which can increase hunger calorie intake.
Poor sleep causes the release of Cortisol (your stress hormone) which can lead to low energy, weight gain and cravings for carbs and sugar to get a quick energy fix your body wants after not sleeping
3// Poor Seep Can Impact Thyroid Health
The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the body. It is a butterfly shaped gland that sits at the front of your neck. Thyroid hormones help to regulate your metabolic rate, energy, heart rhythm, muscle control, menstrual cycles, mood, bone maintenance as well as digestive function.
One study looked at thyroid markers a few days after sleep deprivation and noted that overall TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) levels were reduced by more than 30%.
Low thyroid function is associated with: weight gain, slower cognition, low energy, sluggish feelings, low mood or depression, hair loss and dry skin
4// Poor Sleep Makes You Dehydrated
If you already have trouble getting in your daily H2O, poor sleep might be making your dehydration even worse:
One study that looked at data from 25 000 adults showed that people who slept 6 hours per night were 59% higher chance of being dehydrated than this who slept 8 hours.
5// Poor Seep Can Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Conditions
Sleep is so important for a healthy heart and function:
Those who don’t get enough sleep are at a greater risk of developing heart disease or stroke than those who sleep 7–8 hours per night
Many studies have shown the connection between short sleep duration and Type 2 Diabetes due to the increased release of insulin
5 ways to optimize your sleep
Avoid screens 30 minutes before bed
The blue light emitted from screens has been associated with the suppression of melatonin (our sleep-inducing hormone!), prolonged time to fall asleep, shortened duration of sleep, time in REM sleep and reduced alertness the following morning.
Try apps that block blue light or blue-light blocking glasses
Make bed-time a ritual
Ease into sleep time with a period of relaxing activities an hour or so before bed.
Try a quiet activity like reading, journalling or listening to a guided meditation before bed
Set the temperature in your room to a comfortable level - increased body and bedroom temperature can decrease sleep quality
Supplements can help!
Melatonin, GABA, L-Theanine and magnesium have all been shown to help with sleep
If you've been having difficulty sleeping we can test your melatonin levels using DUTCH Comprehensive Hormone Testing
Avoid coffee, alcohol and other stimulants in the afternoon and evening
Caffeine can stay elevated in your blood for 6–8 hours after drinking
Alcohol alters nighttime melatonin production
Get some sunshine during that day!
A study found that 2 hours of daytime natural bright light increased the amount of sleep by two hours and sleep efficiency by 80%
Always check in with your Naturopathic Doctor or other health care provider before starting any treatments or making changes to your healthcare plan.