The First 1000 Days - Probiotics + Enhancing Baby's Immune System Starting At Conception

The First 1000 Days:

A growing body of evidence shows that the first 1000 days of life (starting even before baby is born - from conception to 2 years old!) - plays a major role in the development of a healthy microbiome and immune system⁠ for the rest of baby's life.⁠

Why is the microbiome so important?

The microbiome (aka the collection of bacteria found in the gut) is extremely important or overall health. In recent years, the increase in allergic and autoimmune conditions such as obesity, diabetes, IBS/IBD, celiac disease, and MS has been attributed, in part, to changes in gut bacteria.⁠ ⁠These changes include a decrease in amount and strains of bacteria found in the gut.⁠

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are the living, healthy bacteria that live in the gut and help to regulate digestive and immune function. There's almost 4lbs of bacteria living in an adult human's digestive tract! Probiotics are found in foods (such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, fermented foods) and supplements. Each probiotic has a different variety of strains of bacteria and number of bacteria per capsule.

Moms who took probiotics before + during pregnancy:⁠

  • had a lower risk of pre-term pregnancy⁠

  • lower risk of gestational diabetes, mellitus⁠ and preeclampsia

  • lower risk of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy⁠

  • babies/infants had a lower risk of atopic conditions - allergies, eczema and asthma⁠

What other factors influence baby's microbiome?⁠

  • Birth Method - Vaginal vs. C-section⁠

  • Feeding Method - Breastfeeding vs. Formula⁠

  • Environmental Exposures⁠

  • Prenatal Diet + Probiotic Use⁠

  • Antibiotic Use⁠

How do you choose the right probiotic?

Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that populate the gut and regulate digestive function. How do you choose the right probiotic:

  • ⁠The FIRST STEP is working with an ND to help you pick one that contains strains that are SPECIFICALLY researched to help with YOUR concerns (there are probiotics to help combat bloating, travellers diarrhea, indigestion, eczema, vaginal health, UTI’s etc).⁠⠀

  • A VARIETY of strains - The gut has over 1000 strains. Probiotics tend to work best when they contain more than one strain of bacteria.⁠⠀

  • CFU Count - Probiotics should contain LIVE bacterial cultures, which are called CFU 's (colony-forming units). I try to look for one with a high CFU (5 billion+) to ensure that the bacteria can create a healthy home in the gut.⁠⠀

⁠Thinking about conceiving? Working with a Naturopathic Doctor to put together a specific and targeting pre-natal plan can help to improve both mom + baby's health!⁠

If you are interested in optimizing your hormonal health, fertility + pregnancy support, I am a Naturopathic Doctor virtually, and in person in Toronto and Vaughan . I have additional training in Integrative Fertility Methods + Pelvic Floor Therapy and would love to help you reach your health goals. 

In health,

Dr. Courtney Ranieri, ND

Always check in with your primary health practitioner before starting or making any changes to your healthcare plan.

PMID: 30404227⁠


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