Leptin Resistance, Appetite and Weight Gain
Can’t lose weight? Your appetite suppressing hormone LEPTIN might be to blame for that, NOT your willpower.
Leptin is produced from our fat cells and is our body’s appetite suppressing hormone or ‘satiety hormone’. It is supposed to help us maintain healthy levels of fat, prevent overeating and maintain a healthy weight.
After eating, your body’s fat cells release Leptin. Leptin sends a signal to your brain to tell it you’re full and to STOP eating.
Therefore, you’d expect people who are overweight or have trouble losing weight to have low levels of leptin - causing them overeat, however that is not the case.
We find in people who have difficulty losing weight, they actually have HIGH leptin levels.
When Leptin blood levels are consistently HIGH due to snacking, overeating or excess fat cells the brain can become RESISTANT to the ‘I’m Full’ signal leading to a viscous cycle of OVEREATING and WEIGHT GAIN.
Signs of Leptin Resistance:⠀
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
Going for seconds, a treat or snack right after finishing a meal⠀
Constantly feeling hungry/never feeling satisfied⠀
Overeating when you should feel full (ie after meals)⠀
Delayed sense of fullness (minutes to hours after a meal)⠀
THE GOOD NEWS: We can fix this!
Leptin Resistance can be supported naturally through a specific diet and treatment plan.
If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms of Leptin Resistance or struggling with weight loss, I’d love to chat!
If you are interested in optimizing your hormonal health, energy or looking for support with your health, I am a Naturopathic Doctor virtually, and in person in Toronto and Vaughan and would love to help you reach your health goals.
In health,
Dr. Courtney Ranieri, ND
Always check in with your Naturopathic Doctor or other health care provider before starting any treatments or making changes to your healthcare plan.